What is a Title Agency?

If you are in the market to purchase, sell a home, or both, then you will be asked about a title search on the prospective property. A title search is not something that is lawfully necessary to complete the transfer of property but comes highly recommended.

A title's agency is there to basically represent the property. You have a seller's agent for the seller, a buyer's agent for the buyer, and a title agent for the property. 

While that may sound a little bananas, isn't the general populace a little bananas? Wouldn't you want protection from those rotten ones? A clear title is worth any price for peace of mind. 

Today I spoke with Amy Cochrane from True Title and learned that title agencies have access to extensive amounts of data to search for different liens, easements, legal restrictions, leases, and judgments on properties. Based off their search the title company may place requirements on the seller that are mandated to be met before the property can exchange ownership. 

Want to pay someone else's back taxes? Want to pay someone else's car repair bills? Want to pay someone else's 2nd mortgage?

Some of these stick to properties not necessarily people. So if you buy a home without doing a title search and just accept the deed from the seller, you can now be held liable for their indiscretions. With the transfer of property, is the transfer of debt.  

So if you answered no to all of those questions, then a title agency is definitely a good pick for you. Remember it's not always required when you purchase a home but some lenders do require it. As they should. It protects their investment too.

The three most expensive costs to closing on a home are: lender fees, home owner's insurance, and, you guessed it, title agencies. All three have pricing variables based off what company you choose to work with so make sure to shop around so you know you're getting a fair price. 

Also, make sure you ask your realtor for a list of recommendations. Their knowledge and contacts are at your disposal.

And don't forget to buy some title insurance too. Title agents are humans not computers so prone to error.

Happy Hunting,

Kurstin Raposaa Realtor specializing in assisting buyers and sellers throughout St. Louis, Missouri and the surrounding area including, but not limited to, Jefferson County, South County, St. Charles County, and St. Louis County with Exit Elite RealtyNothing beats a real estate agent with thorough knowledge of a local market that loves to share it with anyone that'll ask. If you have any questions please call or text: Kurstin Raposa 314.596.8608

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